NFY Staking Rewards as an Airdrop?

Ted aka Eth!c@L
2 min readJun 13, 2021

Author: Eth!c@l Aka Kumar

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Peer Reviewed : Stinky Linky

PS: This is neither a Paid Article nor a Financial Advice. What has been documented are the findings from my own research out of passion in this space which is Crypto

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NFY has gained tons of traction recently not only because of the space coins but also for the commitment towards their product and the community.

NFY has never disappointed any since their launch and bagged many direct and indirect collaborations.

MIMIR solutions being a prominent one.

Space Coins/ Greek Coins

Recent discussions on NFY official chat I have noticed certain enthusiasts calling out the coins ,”space Coins” instead of Greek coins. This is all because the way PStax and Tyler aka Chico crypto had connected the dots.

$Kappa $Gamma $Beta $Rho has gained solid traction recently as they are all associated to SpaceX project.

Will there be a dedicated launch pad with a new token $Agora?

Read another speculative article by clicking here

NFY Staking Rewards Celebration

NFY has gained very good confidence from with in the crypto space. That in-fact is being noticed in the way the NFY tokens are being staked.

As of now

Looks like NFY is looking forward to spread the joy

Staking Milestone Rewards

As juicy as it may sound, the drop is gonna make Stakers own out of this world assets ??

I Guess So

Recent conversation between Cyotee ,Hot Sause, Albatross revealed it all.


And the rewards are...... (Drum roll)... Hear me out... I didn’t say reward... I Spelled it out right…. REWARDS

5 of each space coin

Can you stake now?

I believe so , the Gas is super cheap , nothing wrong in giving it a try .

Final Thoughts

Well, for sure the rewards are on their way and I speculate and believe that they are the space coins.

This is pure speculation , hold your horses

You have heard this here first :)

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Thanks for reading.

